Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows with my mum and sis yesterday.
It wasn't that good as compared to some of the previous parts in my opinion, but well, you'll just want to watch it for the visual entertainment when you've read the book.

If I were to choose a favourite character from the movie, it'll definitely be Severus Snape!
Kind of a spoiler, but yeah, he's the best.

Pictures all from web

I noticed some of the pictures are too big to fit, but, aiya, who cares.
I need a getaway.

Monday, November 29, 2010

So tempted to buy so many things from G-Market! urghhhh


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mum & Dad says they're gonna change an iPhone for me next year. :D :D :D
iPhone 5? Excited.
春, 日光。

融雪之前, 牧神搭上春色的火车, 而日光, 在,我们之间  
各站停靠: 一千座喷泉 交响梦 异次元的玫瑰  
嬉戏之后, 早点回家 


Friday, November 12, 2010

I. Lost. My. Phone.
What a nice advance birthday surprise. Thanks.

I noticed I've been relying on my iPhone a lot.
It was like I just lost a friend, though I've only had it for a lil more than half a year.
I lost it just yesterday, but I felt like I've lost it for months.

I sincerely thank those who helped me in anyway, from the bottom of my heart. Seriously, it meant a lot to me.
I'm touched, they went all out to help. I lost my phone, but I gained true friendship, which is priceless.