Friday, December 31, 2010

Every time I try to let out some emotions or things I want to say here, I just can't seem to put it into words. It's just not right. And after staring at this space for some time, I will give up trying to come up with a post. I don't keep them as drafts, perhaps they're some things I shouldn't remember. So I should just wash it all away. And leave no trace.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

11/12/10 Saturday night. ZoukOut 2010 at Siloso Beach

I don't need ZoukOut. I'm fine and extremely happy with Sodagreen.

Above picture from Rock Records & One productions

Above are some random lousy shots chosen from over hundreds of photos taken with my lousy cam.

Pictures below are from Rock Records & One Productions.

I don't usually spend money going for concerts, excluding Singapore Hit Awards and the 2 concerts (Aaron Kwok & Jacky Cheung) our parents brought us along when I was in lower primary, (and I remembered me and my brother was dozing off because we didn't quite know how to appreciate music then) this is probably the 1st concert I've been to and I didn't regret it AT ALL.

I'd probably go to their concert again(if they have any) in the next few years.

我懒的要命 我只想赖在这里 赖你一辈子
我只想懒懒的懒懒的黏着你 赖着你赖着你爱着你~~~