AYG has officially ended. and school has officially started too.
the last few days wasn't that bad for AYG after all. kinda miss "THE TEETH" lol.
I brought mum and CHERYL GOH PEI JIN to eat Kuishin-bo on sat, quite expensive but overall, worth it. Didnt took any pictures as i was TOO into my food, lol.
shopped around jurong point then went home.
Was working on Sun, and had to go down tiong after school yesterday and today as there were too many UNFINISHED things to be done. anyway, i would never complete everything as there will always be more things coming up.
School was fine for the 2 days, still continue crapping with friends in school, had a change of lifeskill teacher, nothing much else more.
I was browsing through all these and i couldnt take it anymore so i decided to post. LOL. haha.

so is short hair or long hair better? haiz...
Being a gay is hot! :D